Sunday, February 3, 2008

What's the Use?

Of Christmas china? I have had THREE people tell me how they saved money
and/or scoured sale racks for Christmas china (no, none of them read this blog--just
in case you are wondering).

I just don't see the point. I mean, if you are buying Christmas china you probably
already have fine china. And, if you have fine china, you probably have everyday china.

Odds are, that the only time you use your fine china is during the holidays, no?! I mean,
I have fine china and it has never been out of the box (because I forget I have it, not
because I don't love it).

Perhaps Christmas china is one of those southern traditions that I will never understand...Sort of
like boiled peanuts (yuck), having your father as a groomsman (who's gonna sit with your teary-eyed Momma?), and wearing a cocktail dress to a football game (WTF- I mean really).

I guess Christmas china is probably a guilty pleasure/purchase for some. But I can think
of a lot more exciting ways to drop $1500.

I know, you probably think I am an irresponsible blogger and maybe you don't want to hear my little rant. But hey, we're all entitled to complain about a silly nuisance every once in a while. :)


Julie P. said...

I'd have to disagree with ya... I love Spode Christmas china... it reminds me of my grandma :)

2.5 Henrys said...

um, exactly....tehehe