Monday, May 26, 2008

Memorial Day Fun

We spent the late afternoon at a BBQ party
hosted by our friends and former neighbors, the Deens.
Olivia had a fantastic time playing with Luke and Mommy
had a fantastic time eating all of the goodies that
Lance and Kelly cooked up.

Playing with other people's toys is FUN!

Is he checking her out...or is he about to crack her
with that book?!?!

Olivia is carefully crawling toward the diaper changing
station/liquor cabinet. Unfortunately, the baby-proof
lock is merely an enticement to our child...Olivia not
only enjoys removing baby-proof locks from cabinets but,
she likes to put them back on the cabinet handles too.

"How am I supposed to shove this highchair all
over the house with her sitting in it?!?!"

Michelle distracts Olivia from the grill with a
homemade plate tambourine.

Did I mention there were TONS of adults at this
party and very few children...Olivia LOVED the
attention and had so much fun checking everyone out.

Awww..the cutest byebye kiss ever!

I must admit, cookouts are a little more tame now that
we have babies (no one wanders aimlessly into neighbor's
houses and drinks their beer, or falls off front porches). BUT,
the Deen's still manage to host a fantastic BBQ. Thanks guys!

Sunday, May 18, 2008


How many shots does it take to get a 14 month-old
to look at the camera at a party full of people??? 3!

Yesterday we went to the "Davis' Annual Luau"
all the way out in the 'burbs. The ride was a little hectic
as we had to cut through Braves traffic (basically in our
neighborhood) just to get to the interstate. But we finally
got to Woodstock and had a great time visiting
with friends and eating and drinking.

Olivia did her best Jimmy Buffett with a Hawaiian
outfit and a pink lei, courtesy of Kari.

Tuesday, May 13, 2008

Spoon Fed

Olivia now insists on spoon feeding herself yogurt and
pudding. She learned the whole "spoon" thing at
school. Apparently they also taught her to spoon food all
over herself while chewing on her utensils...

Saturday, May 10, 2008

5 Minutes With Olivia

Many of you have been asking to see some new photos
of Olivia. Here are a few photos that were taken in
approximately a 5 minute time span. The little
princess has really been on the move. Quite frankly,
catching her on the CyberShot is becoming quite a chore.
Maybe it's time for that SLR I've been talking about forever...

Let's start with exhibit A: Stair climbing. Olivia
does a nice job of climbing UP the 16 stairs to the
second story. Climbing down, on the other hand,
is another story (no pun intended).

"Who, me?"

Exhibit B: Olivia's new hobby=slapping. Mom and
Dad's new hobby=saying "NO." You can't really
tell in this photo, but Olivia was readying herself
for a good slap on Dad's feet.

Exhibit C: Pulling diaper and computer bags off
of chairs, counters, etc. Too bad I wasn't able
to get a photo of her emptying a bag today.

Exhibit D: Computer obsession. Where would
this trait have come from?!?

And finally, Exhibit E: Peek-a-boo on the
(thankfully just cleaned) dog bed.

There you have it folks; a five minute snippet of
Olivia on a Saturday afternoon. Still wanna come
over and babysit?

Monday, May 5, 2008


Well, we were tagged. So, in addition to posting six quirky things about ourselves, we are required to tag six other bloggers. I've decided to simplify this process and say that if you read our blog, and you have your own are automatically tagged! Let's see if anyone complies with this....

So, here are the six things:

1. I love mint chocolate chip ice cream, but I will not eat it if it has been colored with green food coloring. So, that pretty much means I will only eat Haagen-Dazs mint chip.

2. I absolutely hate having my ears touched. For that matter, I do not want to touch the ears of anyone else.

3. My alarm clock is set 20 minutes ahead of time.

4. I have a low tolerence for poor grammar, spelling, and punctuation. If you don't know the difference between to, too, and two, you've got problems! And while I am on the subject of poor grammar...there is no such thing as "on tomorrow."

5. I LOVE thunderstorms. The badder, the better!

6. I cannot stand car air fresheners. They always smell so artificial and chemical-like.

This is Pat-Libby says comments don't count so I'm expanding on mine:

I purchased a $50 mobile alarm clock that jumps off the nightstand if you hit snooze too many times.

I have a problem with clowns.

The Roloffs(Little People Big World) drive me crazy, most of you know why. Keep those crazy little bastards away from the pumpkin chucker.

I envy people who have a foot fetish (I can explain later).

I hate vacuum cleaners.

I can't stand anything with multiple holes in it. Coral would be a perfect example. The hair on my neck stands up

I constantly play with tape or stickers. No idea where that comes from.

Friday, May 2, 2008

Happy Birthday Papou!

Ok, we're a day early again...but like
I always say-better to be early than late!
Happy Birthday to a very beatnik looking Papou.
Gotta love San Fran in the late 60's!
K/P and O