Monday, September 24, 2007

Mom's Vacation and Fruit Striped Bobo

Kate's on a work trip so I'm taking over the blog for a few days. Don't worry-I'll leave politics and Auburn football out of it. Here's a few pics of Olivia in her new fruit striped outfit. Definitely one of my favorites.

Tell Pop Pop we're busy Grandmom...

Liv showing some Irish genes.

We finally got a smile..

Not bad for a kid with a cold eh?

I know I promised no politics but I couldn't resist:

How do you say "I'm on vacation, it's ok to dress like a woman" in Arabic?

Monday, September 17, 2007

So Much for Our Local Brewer

We think it might be time to introduce a sippy

Friday, September 14, 2007


We often refer to Olivia's expressions as "Pop Pop"
faces because she has an eery resemblance to Pat's
Dad. However, in this particular photo, Olivia has an eery
resemblance to my Dad. Hence "Papou face."

More appropriately, "squash face," as she clearly has
squash remnants all over her upper lip. :)

By the way, those 2 teeth are getting taller every
day. We still can't seem to get a good pic though...

Saturday, September 8, 2007


Here is a photo of Olivia watching the Braves
game last night. She is obsessed with watching
baseball on television. In fact, she really concentrates
on watching the game.

She is now giving me the "leave me alone,
I am watching the game" face.

Totally annoyed. Gosh, I've never seen this
expression before....

Friday, September 7, 2007

Dates & Stats

"Do you wanna play with my blocks?"

This last Monday marked Olivia's 6 month birthday!

Today we went to the Ped for LOTS of painful
vaccinations and to get O's 6 month stats.
9-7-07: 28 inches long=95th %ile (wow!)
17.5 lbs=75th %ile (and we thought she was heavy...)

Excellent health and development overall!

Following Olivia's appointment she had a hot date with
Luke. Actually, the date didn't go so well as neither one
of them were in the best of moods. Kelly and I had
two sleepy babes on our hands. But we made the most of

Sorry for the blurry photos, the good camera is always
upstairs when I need it. Maybe we need a ranch home...

Tuesday, September 4, 2007

Laborless Labor Day

Thanks to Grand-Mom and Pop-Pop we had a
laborless Labor Day Weekend. As you can see, this photo
of Nina exemplifies our laid-back weekend! You'd
never guess it, but our dogs AREN'T allowed on
our furniture. Nina, however, has her own set of
rules. Lucky for her she is cuddly and adorable.

We enjoyed 3 nights out without our little princess. Don't
even think for one second that we didn't miss her...But,
we knew we had to take advantage of our loving and
free babysitters.

We went to Auburn Club at Bucket Shop and the Braves
game. On Sunday night we decided to be totally
jejeune and go to Geisha House and then to a movie
(The Bourne Ultimatum, an A+).

The ladies in red spent some quality time together.

Thanks again Grand-Mom and Pop-Pop!

P.S. The weekend wasn't completely laborless.
We did do a LOT of yardwork. That being
said, I won't bore you with the "landscape
photography." Sorry, Papou. :(

Saturday, September 1, 2007

War Eagle!

Somebody's ready for the game.

"Pop-Pop, what does War Eagle mean?"

"Okay, I get it."

Thanks to the Watermeiers for the monogrammed
Auburn onesie.

Now all we need to do is bring in Olivia's Auburn carseat
and she'll be ready for the game!