Friday, August 31, 2007

Because Looking at PatKat isn't enough...Patkitten!

Thanks again to Grand-Mom for coming to ATL
to play with, we mean babysit, Olivia. In lieu of setting
up Olivia's high chair, Grand-Mom decided to feed
her in the Jumperoo. Great idea Grand-Mom!

This is our creative way of doing Tummy Time.

Things always seem like fun at first...

And then Olivia realizes she is on her tummy.

Sitting up is much better.

Nina and Gretchen love to sit on Olivia's blankets
with her.

Don't worry, we are always right there too. Who
do you think is taking all these photos?!?!

Los Bravos

Thanks to Grand-Mom we were able to go to
the Braves/Mets opener with Stacey and Chris.

We lost the game, but we still managed to have a
good time!

These were only $3 at Standard. They
were $8 at Turner Field.

We drank up beforehand. :)

Cute couples, no?!

Do you like the free hats they gave us at The Ted?!
It was "Hat Night" tonight.

This is the biggest big screen in any MLB stadium.

Free hats and $8 Bud. What's wrong with this picture?!

Can you tell we acted like a couple of

We've been to about 100 Braves games and this
is the first time we've ever brought our camera.

Sunday, August 26, 2007

Rock-A-Hula-Luau and More

To the fan club (you know who you are, Thiamou)-
here are some new pix!

Friday there was a beach party at Olivia's school.
They tie-dyed onesies and everyone wore lei's and
Hawaiian garb (except for the parents as we were
all coming from work). Olivia loved bouncing and
singing along with the Hawaiian dancers. Sorry, there
are no photos of the dancers. A little too graphic
for the blog... hehehe.

Over the weekend, Olivia practiced her new hobby
of pulling on jewelry. As you can see in this photo,
she successfully pulled my earring out of my ear.
Not fun at all!

Who, me?!

"Oh, and by the way, I can sit up now. So stop
being paranoid and propping me on all of these

"See, I told you. And, the Cubs do not totally
suck. But, the Braves are better. "

"Here I am sitting again. By the way, that young lad
with his hand on my knee is my main man Brody."

Brody and Olivia are tummy time partners. Both of
them hate it. This is a rare photo of Brody smiling
while on his tummy.

Future athlete?!

Tuesday, August 21, 2007


They just finished the jury selection phase of
the Michael Vick trial...

Sunday, August 19, 2007

Green Beans Are Gross

In honor of Olivia cutting her second tooth, we
decided to try her on her first solid food (other
than cereals).

As you can see, organic green beans are definitely
more appealing to her parents than they are to

"If I make a huge mess will they get the hint and
stop feeding me this nastiness?!"

Monday, August 13, 2007

Future Picasso

Olivia's daycare is helping her to
channel her inner Picasso. Check out her
first "work of art."

Perhaps she has a future as a successful
abstract artist like our cousin Liz Sheppell?!
We can only hope. Speaking of Liz, her latest
work can be seen at Memphis' Gallery
Perry Nicole.

Sunday, August 12, 2007

Back By Popular Demand

Lots and lots of things have happened since we
last blogged about Olivia...which was a long time
ago. That being said, the "people"--or should
we say "Olivia's Fan Club," have spoken. To answer
your cries we've decided to post some semi-recent
photos of the Princess.

In the last three weeks I've (finally) gone back
to work and Olivia has started daycare. Things
have been going really well. However, we are
BUSY. So busy that we were shocked to learn
Olivia had time to grow a tooth.:) Unfortunately
she won't let us take a photo of her pearly white.
It is on the bottom of her mouth right in the front.
Hopefully it will be tall enough to photograph soon.

Since starting daycare, Olivia has become keenly
aware of everything around her, including her feet.
Perhaps she is using her new tooth to scratch her
toes?? She loves to put her toes in her mouth and
we also often catch her with her "toes to the nose,"
as I like to say.

Dad's tie is also an unlikely and entertaining
new distraction. I much prefer this to her other
favorite new distraction, which is pulling my hair
as hard as she can. I tell ya this kid has the grip
of an MMA fighter.

I think we'll call this one "hathead." Doesn't
O look like a train conductor here?

Olivia loooooves her exersaucer. Sasha loves it
too. Fortunately, Sasha also loves Olivia. Here's
a great photo of Olivia petting "the Sash."

Lovin' the Sunshine.

Oh how exciting!

Here is what Sasha thinks of sharing the couch
with Pat. Actually, our furry friends are not
allowed on the furniture. As you can see, Sasha
clearly doesn't give a dog's a$% what the rules
are. Poor Pat.

Wednesday, August 1, 2007

Shark Week

The world's most dangerous shark, the Bull Shark can live in both fresh water and salt water. I really feel like this is something I should have learned in like, first grade maybe? Not when I'm 30. Shark Week has successfully ruined another summer.