Over the Memorial Day Weekend, we had visitors!
Olivia and Pearce had a blast with Yiayia and Papou
and continue to ask why they had to leave. :(
As you can see, Pearce is growing at record pace.
He just had his 18 month checkup. He now weighs
almost 30 lbs. and is 35 inches tall. He is in the
95th percentile and seems to be bigger every day.
ALL boy?!? He loves to run around, play ball,
and wrestle his sister. We aren't sure how he
did it, but somehow he chipped his front tooth
(fortunately, he will get a new one for free!). Ahhh,
to be a kid again.
Our precious princess, Olivia, is growing like a weed
as well. She is amazing us every day with her vocabulary!
Just last weekend she "read" her brother a book and
put him in a time-out. If only she could potty-
train him.
One of Olivia's favorite things to do is plant and smell
flowers. Here she is checking out the herbage, err, mini-
herb garden (our favorite new cooking ingredients
are included!).
30 lbs! holy crap! spence is a whopping 22.5 lbs and he's 25mos!
love the pic at the top of your blog - it's like a catalog photo
really? i think both of my kids outweighed spence at their one-year checkups. :) at least you can still easily carry him. pearce is a tank, and he wants me to carry him everywhere. :(
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