Sunday, November 1, 2009

Halloween Hijinks

Hello again everyone! We had a great Halloween. This was Olivia's first trick or treat adventure and she took full advantage. Unfortunately she ate so much chocolate she ended up throwing up around midnight. Not fun but she was fine this morning. We didn't realize how much fun our neighborhood would be on Halloween - quite a few unique costumes from our gay neighbors up the street. Two of the guys were wearing the sheriff's outfits from Reno 911 - Officer Dangle if you're familiar with the show. If not, he likes to wear pretty tight uniforms with very small shorts. Hilarious. Another one of our neighbors was dressed as a dominatrix passing out candy to the kids. Interesting to say the least. Great neighborhood for Halloween - the kids had a blast and we were thoroughly entertained the entire evening. Anyway, enjoy!

One of Olivia's first houses - she was a mermaid

Kate and O walking down the street


Kate and O the mermaid

Pearce the dinosaur and me

Gretchen getting in on the shot

Pumpkin patch

I love this sign


At the pumpkin patch

This looks like a Sears catalog photo

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