Thursday, August 21, 2008

The Beard

I recently resigned from a less than competent employer and have been living it up for the last 2.5 weeks. I've been researching Anthony Bourdain recipes, doing a lot of household chores, drinking absinthe at lunch (recently made legal in the states) and growing a beard. I hated it but for the sake of Kate and hilarity I decided to stick it out for longer than I anicipated. It reminded me of an old Kids in the Hall bit about a guy on vacation who grows a beard. I can't get the stupid video to embed so here's pictures of me:

Here I am right before it was removed.

The gay country singer look...

The handlebar or the "Dirty Cop"

Officer Sexy...

This look went out in the 1940's. I'm really not sure why.


Lib said...

That's just plain wrong.

2.5 Henrys said...

Don't act like you don't like it

Lib said...

I think I just puked a little in my mouth.....besides I don't want to see pictures of you only the princess.....why is that so hard to get through to you people!

Anonymous said...

What the hell is wrong with you?

Brawny said...

You like Seth Rogan in Superbad in that third one. And I think some German guy ruined the whole tiny 'stache thing.

Julie P. said...

love it! i needed a good giggle.

Allison said...

AWESOME!!! Can't wait to see how proud Olivia is of her papa one day... and the little man now has something to live up to in his moustache.

Rusty Diamond said...

You could sell some pop-country records with the right producer...I'll see what I can do.