Monday, July 21, 2008


We went in for a checkup/ultrasound this morning and were very surprised to learn that we're having a boy! We were told on a previous ultrasound it was definitely a girl but this time there was no mistaking it. God has decided to send in reinforcements against 2 girls and 3 female dogs. It still won't be enough I'm afraid.
Here's a picture from this morning of Olivia's future punching bag:

I'll spare the pictures of his oversized anatomy proving his manhood. More pics of Olivia very soon. Hope everyone enjoyed being Rick Rolled. That song has been stuck in my head for three days...


Lib said...

Yay!!!!! The only Henry boy outside of Uncle Tom's family!!! Congratulations!

Life of the Prilipp's in Canada!! said...


Allison said...

I KNEW it... and that's all I will say =) Congratulations, guys!

Anonymous said...

We love him already!