Wednesday, April 2, 2008

Because We Keep Getting Complaint Calls...

Here are a few photos from the most recent family
photo shoot. This should give the Fan Club an
Olivia fix for at least a few days. Enjoy!


Anonymous said...

The third one down she looks exactly like Kate. What a sweet pea!

Anonymous said...

Oh and in Pat's infinite love of photographers, were you able to get the sailor cap on him?

2.5 Henrys said...

the sailor hat goes to a dress from aunt dottie and uncle bill. we were hopeful for a few shots, but she ripped it off about 2 seconds after that photo was shot.

Allison said...

What a doll!!! She's so pretty and you really got some amazing photos. I'm glad you posted these here because I couldn't see them from the link you gave me. She's beautiful guys!!