Monday, December 10, 2007

It's Beginning To Look A Lot Like...

MIAMI!!! It was 78 degrees here today and there are trees that are trying to bloom. It is supposed to be in the 70's all week! Nothing like watching your neighbors hang Christmas decorations in shorts and t-shirts. It is usually in the 40's/50's this time of year (ahem, we grew up in the north, we realize this isn't cold to many of you).

We went to see "A Christmas Carol" at the Alliance Saturday night and walked around downtown in short night!

Although the tropical weather has made it very difficult for us to get in "Christmas mode," we are not complaining. We'll take balmy weather over ice storms any day (just preferably not 2 weeks before Christmas!).

1 comment:

Wade said...

Hi Pat/Kate,

Congrats on Olivia, she's a beautiful little girl! I haven't talked to you two since your wedding actually. Matt passed the good news along to me and gave me the link to the website. I actually have a daughter just a few days older than Oliva. I would love to hear how your family is doing. Tell Pat to shoot me an email if he gets the chance.

Wade Burton