Sunday, August 12, 2007

Back By Popular Demand

Lots and lots of things have happened since we
last blogged about Olivia...which was a long time
ago. That being said, the "people"--or should
we say "Olivia's Fan Club," have spoken. To answer
your cries we've decided to post some semi-recent
photos of the Princess.

In the last three weeks I've (finally) gone back
to work and Olivia has started daycare. Things
have been going really well. However, we are
BUSY. So busy that we were shocked to learn
Olivia had time to grow a tooth.:) Unfortunately
she won't let us take a photo of her pearly white.
It is on the bottom of her mouth right in the front.
Hopefully it will be tall enough to photograph soon.

Since starting daycare, Olivia has become keenly
aware of everything around her, including her feet.
Perhaps she is using her new tooth to scratch her
toes?? She loves to put her toes in her mouth and
we also often catch her with her "toes to the nose,"
as I like to say.

Dad's tie is also an unlikely and entertaining
new distraction. I much prefer this to her other
favorite new distraction, which is pulling my hair
as hard as she can. I tell ya this kid has the grip
of an MMA fighter.

I think we'll call this one "hathead." Doesn't
O look like a train conductor here?

Olivia loooooves her exersaucer. Sasha loves it
too. Fortunately, Sasha also loves Olivia. Here's
a great photo of Olivia petting "the Sash."

Lovin' the Sunshine.

Oh how exciting!

Here is what Sasha thinks of sharing the couch
with Pat. Actually, our furry friends are not
allowed on the furniture. As you can see, Sasha
clearly doesn't give a dog's a$% what the rules
are. Poor Pat.

1 comment:

Julie P. said...

olivia is getting so BIG! glad to see you are back to blogging. i was getting sick of looking at that shark :)

that pic of pat and the dog is hilarious!

hope you are surviving work...