Tuesday, June 12, 2007

Rolling Along

A rare photo of Olivia smiling during tummy
time. She usually HATES any activity that
doesn't allow her to "see" everything that's
going on around her.

However, on Sunday she decided to prove to
us that not only was she starting to LIKE tummy
time, but she could actually roll over. In fact,
she rolled over several times (front to back).
We were amazed!

Oh, and she also decided to "read" while doing
tummy time. Doesn't she look like she is really
studying this book?

Today matching strollers, tomorrow matching
rings?! We aren't sure what the future will
hold, but for now we have decided that Olivia
has a boyfriend. Check out the pic of their

Kelly, Luke-aka "Crusher," Olivia and Lance.

Luke is 2 months younger than Olivia. We are
looking forward to the day when these two
can actually interact. It won't be long!

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