Wednesday, August 26, 2009

Birthdays and Poop

We have been B.U.S.Y!  Sorry for the delay 
posting photos!  Here is the latest family photo, 
taken August, 16th...Grand-Mom's 29th birthay!

We decided to humor Grand-Mom on her birthday and 
we dressed Olivia in a Phillies jersey.  Despite the outcome
of events at the Braves/Phillies game, we think Olivia
looks cute in her jersey.

Do you like those candles?  They will be
recycled for every future adult birthday in
this household.

The most exciting news in the Henry household
(at least for today) is that Olivia is a ROCK STAR
when it comes to potty training.  We have been going 
strong for 10 days now and she has only had 4 accidents!!!!
She still wears a diaper during her naps and during 
the night.  That said, she is doing a fantastic job
of pottying and today, she even pooped in the 
toilet without making a huge fuss.  We have been
rewarding her with m&m's, stickers, and everything

Here is our proud pottier and her sticker chart.

You might wonder/ask why we have been so busy?
Well...we have 2 kids, 3 dogs, and 2 jobs (one of
the jobs is still new).  Connect the's crazy
around here!

Saturday, August 1, 2009

Mobile Uploads

I recently bought a new Blackberry which has a very good camera for a phone. It's resulted in a lot of candid moments from the kids. I thought I'd upload some of the pics from the last few weeks. Enjoy!